2000 AD Prog #76 (1st Robo-Hunter)

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2000 AD,


Comic Grading Guide

Near Mint (NM): Nearly flawless, boasting vivid colors, a glossy sheen, and an immaculate appearance. The book should rest perfectly flat.

Very Fine (VF): Still sharp in appearance, with vibrant colors and gloss. It may exhibit a few minor stress marks on the spine or outer edge, with no creasing allowed.

Fine (F): Maintains its allure but may display more imperfections compared to VF. This could entail 4 or 5 stress lines, slight corner creases, minor edge tears, or general edge wear. No tape, substantial tears, or notable cover damage permitted.

Very Good (VG): A well-handled, read copy with visible wear on the spine and edges. Expect noticeable creasing on the cover and the possibility of a tear up to one inch in length. A small piece of tape on or inside the cover is acceptable. Light soiling or staining may be present, and the spine might exhibit a slight roll.

Good (G): Resembles VG but with more frequent or severe blemishes. It might have a piece missing (though not too large) from the front or back cover.

Fair (F): Well-worn yet complete, potentially adorned with tape on the cover, tears, missing cover sections, staining, soiling, and substantial wear.

Poor (P): A heavily battered or incomplete copy, possibly missing large sections from the cover or lacking a back cover.


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