Brand new case. Disc in excellent condition.
Synecdoche (Pronounced Sih-NECK-doh-kee) noun, - A figure of speech in which: A Part is used for the Whole The Screen for Movies. A Whole stands for a Part The Law for Police. A Species stands for its Genus Cutthroats for Assassins A Genus stands in for its Species Creature for Person A Material stands for a Thing Ivories for Piano Keys
Theatre director Caden Cotard (Philip Seymour Hoffman) has traded in the regional theatre of Schenectady for the bright footlights of Broadway. Determined to create something into which he can put his whole self, he gathers an ensemble cast into a warehouse in Manhattan's theatre district and directs them in a celebration of the mundane in a small mock-up of the city outside. However as the city inside the warehouse grows, Caden's own life - wives, extra marital relationships, children, his therapist and even the actor he has hired to play himself within the play - veers wildly off the tracks. And a mysterious condition is systematically shutting down each of his autonomic functions, one by one. As he pushes the limits of his relationships, both personally and professionally, a change in creative direction arrives in a celebrated actress who may offer Caden the break he needs.